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Friday, January 1, 2010

Fiber Optics, what will be next and who will have to pay the 14 million back, our BOC is out of control!

They never cease to amaze me with their blatent distregard for the obvious. Take a look around, it is not time to spend more,more,more. It is time to stop spending. Get a clue, have they looked at the state of the economy lately? do they care? I think no! Why on earth does our county need to be in the business of competition with Charter,Comcast and AT&T. Who is this really benefiting in a BIG way? perhaps that will become evident eventually.

It will be most interesting to see how the vote goes on this venture. We all know that it has been rehearsed already.............Will it be 5 to zero,I think yes, but there may be some comments from one or two suto concerned commishes for show. It is all so rediculously silly.

The tax paying citizens of this county are not stupid and will get their voices heard on election day.

1 comment:

The Doctor said...

Birdie you have found the key. These people are expecting the tax payers to pay for their whimsical matters again. They do it for show because it's already been decided. Remember follow the money and it will lead you to the source of who is wanting this done and let's see how the vote goes among our Commissioners it should be intersting.