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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Camp Ground Road Extension/Home owners speak out in BOC meeting this morning

I finally got a good look at this 4 lane that will divide this neighborhood of 300 plus people directly in half. The highway is adjacent to the club house swimming pool. Every where lately in Henry county it seems that residents are loosing out to the BOC votes to big business. Citizens who elected these commissioners to look out for the very welfare of their families are having their property values sliced in half! Their children's lives are disrupted and parents are even in fear of their children not being safe.

I feel certain that this year will mark a change for the better for the citizens when they vote this year. Furthermore 2012 will be a time for a change as well. It may not help the citizens that have been so unfairly treated already, that is unless the BOC wakes up and starts listening to the people that voted them in.

From the BOC's ongoing actions in my opinion they do not intend to listen to us the citizens or vote on anything other than their own desires. Do they not work for us?..................I can answer that question myself, no, none of them are working for us!


The Doctor said...

This project will continue just like all the rest. It was already set and they don't care if it cuts a neighborhood in half.

Larry Stanley said...

This plan has been on the drawing board for years. It was stupid when first conceived, and remains so now.

The idea of running Campground through the neighborhood proves the capricious and arbitrary thought processes on the BoC. Not just the current board, but for years.

The zoning, neighborhood and plans were all approved by the BoC. Then the Campground Extension became important.

The road widening of Jodeco from Hwy 42 to I-75 was also a hot topic before the funding never materialized.

The Jodeco bridge widening is now the 'thing' to watch. Jodeco will be widened just far enough to create a terrible bottleneck. But the zoning surrounding that strip was a "gotta have" regardless.

On the West side we will eventually have that Mall. BJ's 3 SPLOST road projects are priorities to service that Mall. The bridge widening is more important than the remainder of Jodeco because of the Mall.

Funny how the old plans evaporated as new ones became all-important. There is no money to improve Jodeco, but a roadway can be funded IF it goes through a neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

The road project was there before the subdivision and the builder should have let the people know it was coming. Now that the Obomanation is giving money we don't have away the road will be funded and become a reality. Gotta love the liberals!