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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Votes being cast today for senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy in MA

Of course if I were in MA I would vote for Scott Brown (Rep). Obama of course ran out to a crowd at the very last minute to talk up that Martha Coakley(Dem).

This is a big one,we do not need the dems running the show,look at what they have gotten us into thus far since Obama went in!

If you do not want the government looking over your medical chart and bank records, plus a whole lot more detrimental items in this healthcare bill,we need to vote out the bad apples this year. Obama is only backing this Coakley person to get his healthcare reform piece of crap voted in by an out numbering of DEMS to REPS ratio in the house if she is elected.

 So if you know anyone in MA call them to get out and vote.


The Doctor said...

That is the key. They must get out and vote to bring back some sanity to this land of the free. This vote will affect us all the way down to our pine filled woods of Georgia. Any time we have such a close situation as we do in Congress it should be remedied. No party should have full control of the government. That makes for the troubles we have today.

The Doctor said...

It looks like the Republicans have taken the seat for the Senate in Massachusetts. The win was sizeable and hopefully this will keep the Obamacare at bay. Congratulations to the new Senator Brown from Massachusetts.