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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs "DUGH"

I think this guy should wipe the brown off his nose! he evades answering direct questions. Obama sure picked one to run interference for himself. Gibbs kept spouting that he rejects the idea that a win for Scott Brown tonight would kill the Healthcare bill. We shall see?

If these Obamatons try to sneak in voting on the healthcare bill before Scott Brown is sworn in and gets his chance to vote! I think instead of 50 thousand AMERICANS waving tea party signs and AMERICANS wearing their yellow don't tread on me shirts, we need to amass around 100,000 on the White House lawn, that would be the ticket.


Dark Knight said...

When a politician has someone that can talk the double talk out of three mouths you know the elected official is up to no good. This obamacare passed or not will ensure that President Obama is a one term President. If passed it could bring the downfall of the Nation that we may not overcome. We must fight this with all our might or we could go the way of the Roman empire, have you seen any Romans roaming around lately?

Dark Knight

The Doctor said...

There might be a toga or two out there Dark Knight. Robert Gibbs runs blocker like Burt Reynolds did in "Smokey and the Bandit". But from what I have heard it is his job to run blocker. But he has taken it to a new level. I think many times that the press corp that have to banter with him often get tired of him and wished he would go away.