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Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am posting this for Joanne Mulvaney per her request to get more people involved with getting something done about terrorism.

Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:42 AM
From: Joanne Mulvaney
Subject: Senator Isakson's office-Here are five videos the Senator needs to see.
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Thank you for contacting me today regarding my email I sent to Senator Isakson last week wanting two questions answered by him. Here are the five videos that I would like the Senator to see. The 3rd video on the list, is the one that shows Muslim extremist-terrorist on OUR streets, in America, the day after the Ft Hood Shooting, Nov. 6th, cheering the deaths of American Soldiers by that Terrorist Malik Hasan. These Muslim extremist also chant the demise of "The Great Beast" they say is America. Since when are people who CLEARLY WISH TO DO US HARM allowed to cheer on the streets of the United States the deaths of our soldiers, the demise of America and NOT be rounded up by police authorities????

.First Video link below is from the Dutch Parliament leader Geertz Wilder warning America about Islamic Extremist who have taken over Europe and will also take over America under Islamic Sheriah Law if we do not do something now to stop it. So many Americans are asleep, looking the other way, sticking their head in the sand and or hoping this all goes away with MANY doing so to remain "Politically Correct" which Congressman Lynn Westmoreland told me is the main problem with all of this, the political correctness of it all. It Congress does not seriously address the extremist on OUR streets things will only get worse. The American government should NOT tolerate this behavior where religious extremist clearly wish to do Americans harm, want our soldiers killed by their Islamic brothers, cheering this from American streets and nothing is done to them etc.

If you are not aware of the Islamic Shariah Laws then many best get acquainted with them; beheadings, stoning women to death, family honor killings etc etc are what we have to look forward to in America, as Europe is already dealing with, IF we do not do something now.

Please let Senator Isakson know I look forward to his phone call.

Thank you,
Joanne Mulvaney
U.S Navy veteran
Stockbridge GA,2933,572998,00.html

Video of Stoning to Death - Islam in action

1 comment:

The Doctor said...

I have seen all these videos and have read about the terroristic ways being used here in our nation. These Muslim extremists must be watched or we will have war with them right here in our own country. These people have no regard for us or our laws. Our nation better wake up because it is here. It is right here in Henry County. I often seem them out in public and I hear how they treat their families. It makes one wonder why we as a nation allow this to be this way and to happen here.