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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another post from Joanne Mulvaney, thank you Joanne

Date: Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:59 PM
From: Joanne Mulvaney
Subject: Fwd: Terroristic Threat Laws, Treason Laws, Assault Laws ALL capable of stopping extremist on OUR streets instilling fear in us, stating they wish to do us, our troops harm.
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This is the email I am talking about that you can post on your blog that I sent out to Senator Isakson and Congressman Westmoreland today and cc'd many others, including you. See letter below:

November 29, 2009

Dear Senator Isakson and Congressman Westmoreland,

After speaking to several members of your staff earlier last week I am forwarding several Laws that I feel members of Congress as well as Law Enforcement around America really need to Re-visit and fully enforce these Laws already on the books as it pertains to extremist, fanatics on OUR streets, here in America, who are cheering and chanting the deaths of OUR soldiers and the demise and destruction of America. These actions may be tolerated while these things are being said about our soldiers and about our country while saying all this in foreign lands BUT when these words,actions are conducted, spoken on the streets of America our government, our police forces, need to wake up, step up to the plate and stop what I call the violation of several Laws already on the books. These Laws are (see definitions below):

1. Terroristic Threat Laws

2. Assault


I will NOT accept from any elected official who says that because of "Freedom of Speech" that these extremist-fanatic terrorist are allowed to demonstrate on AMERICAN STREETS and in media articles, caught on video as well, that they cheer the deaths of our soldiers, wish to do America and its people harm, and encourage other Islamic brothers to carry out further attacks,,ALL ON OUR STREETS these words are spoken etc etc. Freedom of Speech is one thing BUT my government allowing people who clearly state they wish to do us, Americans, bodily harm AND their past track record PROVES they WILL do us harm, then action needs to be taken.

It is time to wake up, stop walking the politically correct fence and protect Americans from people who clearly wish to harm us, kill us and destroy America as we know it.

Thank you,
Joanne Mulvaney
U.S Navy veteran

1 comment:

The Doctor said...

It is truly fearful to know that our nation allows this to be seen here and allows it to go on. These people hate our country and will do whatever it takes to see it fall. I just hope Senator Isakson and Rep. Westmoreland are listening. Because if they are not they won't have a citizenry to listen to much longer.