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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our Voices Can Be Heard

"We the People of the local County of Henry, of the Soverign State of Georgia,in these United States of America, do demand and resolve that the voice of the populace will be heard upon the walls of Freedom which echo across this land. Those who etched a start here in 1821 found a way to survive the elements and the wilds of the day. Across the panorama of time this county has seen change upon change. Men and women taken from bondage, during a war of brutality brought home for all to see. The days of rebirth and the construed nights of hard decisions that led this county into the early years before the Great Depression. Those families who struggled to survive and did so by shear human strength and with the helping hand of God to bring us to where our county lies today.

The people of this county great and small all have the same voice. If they do not have the same level of distinction then this clamour through our past was for nothing. The people have the voice granted to them by the man articles written in the past. The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, The Monroe Doctrine, and the many Amendments created by our land to make our path easier. Freedom of Speech is a guaranteed right to the people and denying that right is the pretense of tyranny. Gather all eyes and ears and hear the voice of Freedom as it cries to be heard. Man has served himself a dish of sour milk here that needs to be sweetened by the stand up for freedom that is sorely needed. We the people of Henry County do declare that we deserve and we shall receive our voice before the shadow of tomorrow sets upon that right.

Written by: The Doctor

1 comment:

Asa Brown said...

Since I was taught the old school way I understand what you are saying. But our County Commissioners might not understand it. Remember some of them don’t have common cense God gave a flea. You may think about a version for say kindergartners so the people running the County can understand what you are saying. As for me I like what you had to say and it is very true we must take back our government or we will lose everything that has been built for over 200 years.

Asa Brown