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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Work will begin on a $192,515 facelift at the 70-acre Alexander Park in McDonough to prepare it for more walking trails.

For this amount of money, I'll grab my weed wacker and rent a backhoe.

I even think I could have this completed all by myself in an earlier time frame.

The amount of money this county is spending never ceases to amaze me!


The Doctor said...

Welcome to the beginning of the Gail Notti Heirloom Gardens of McDonough. This is just a drop in the bucket to how much money will eventually be spent on this project. There has already been a good bit of money spent by those who want to own the property that will be needed to complete the project. Just go to the property information page and look at the area around the park. Then you will see who owns the lands in question.

They can find more ways to throw money away here is right. There is nothing conservative about the government we have installed at the present time. It will take voter action to change that and be careful who replaces them because a lot of those who run are good friends.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting how both the county government and City of McDonough can drop thousands and into the millions of dollars on butterfly parks, Nash Farm, upgrades and ten year build out plans for Nash Farm, bark parks, soccer fields, golf course and airport purchases, police firing range, fiber optics....yet the City of McDonough nor the County can find time or funds to repair cracked concrete at the Veterans Wall of Honor, nor can they find time or funds to replace busted lights, damaged staircase and flag stanchions at the Veterans Wall of Honor yet they find so much money, time and effort on other pet projects...All the while the Veterans Wall of Honor and the military men and women it Honors are the reason, through our military Heroes many sacrifices that our politicians even have a free and open government..It is thanks to our troops and veterans that the City and County government and its officials exist in the capacity that they do, yet these same officials are so busy spending millions of other things,while the Veterans Wall of Honor needs a little attention in repairs and upkeep.

Asa Brown said...

You got that right Doc, Notti is the grand poo ba of McDonough now and Mayor Copeland will have to jump when she say jump. I remember seeing him in the old gas station with his cone shaped white hat on just going to a secret meeting that was not a secret at all. He was on top of the world and now look, what a shame. Now McDonough is spending money on something that is not needed to make someone look good and it’s not going to work believe me I have met her. She thinks she is better than anyone in this County and that will end up hurting the citizens for a long time.

Asa Brown

The Doctor said...

To anonymous: you are utmostly right that they can find more ways to waste money, but let a monument to those who fought so they could waste that money go. It is really a shame that they have this beautiful landmark in history hidden away so that mainly the locals know about it. Maybe through the newly formed Veterans Wall of Honor Preservation Committee their efforts will be heard and carried out to protect this monument from decay.